Wednesday, 21 August 2013

FFXIV 'Looks' brilliant

Iv'e said it once before and i'll say it again: Final Fantasy XIV: A realm reborn looks absolutely beautiful and this Dungeon Fly-through video shows off the games brilliant locations and fearsome creatures without the potential risk of being eaten, chopped, sliced and diced by them.

League of Legends Pool Party Skins!

New League of Legends skins making a splash onto ours servers soon. Personally, i will likely be purchasing the Leona and Lee Sin skins but Renekton and Graves both looks great as well. Have a fun day at the beach!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Call of Duty Blitz Gameplay

I didn't really know what to expect when I saw the new game mode 'BLITZ' but I can certainly say it isn't what I expected. Where Battlefield 4 takes on the old favourite 'Bomb' aptly renamed to 'Obliteration', Call of Duty tries something new with blitz that involves running from point A to point B without dying.